Volume and Bass levels at LA HE Show

This was the first show I've attended and I was surprised to find that SPL levels were cranked up in so many rooms and that bass was so often overblown. While the Vandy 5a wasn't up yet (I was in and out early Friday) even the room equalized Quatro sounded bass heavy to me. I was wondering:

A) If my impressions were generally shared


B) If so, why don't the demos ease back on the volume knob?

BTW - I was pretty close to buying a pair of Quatro Woods and am now reconsidering,
They think they are making it sound impressive and exciting. It's classic American one-upmanship at its finest - quantity is so often prized higher than quality.
I had a simlilar experience with some Sunfire gear at a high end shop. My thinking was that they didnt think i knew anything about hifi, therefore the louder the better. My brother and myself walked out saying "well that was a waste." It wasnt just loud it was cranked, ear damaging levels in my opinion.
Yeah, but were you in the MBL room when they had Metallica on "11"....Dang that was fun. I had no idea such "delicate" looking speakers could rock!!! And I am not that much of a rocker.....anymore.....

MBL loves to crank their gear, and it usually sounds incredible at those ear splitting volumes.... At last years HE show, I had to leave the show and go have a beer to let my ears rest after being in that room!
When I walked in, MBL had some electric blues playing at ear splitting levels. The speakers were clearly overloading the room on the bottom end. That said, it rocked. Alas, I ,too, am no longer a headbanger.

BTW, of all the stupidly loud, bass heavy demos, this was the only one that impressed me to any meaningful degree.