Best nos 6sn7g for my Atmasphere mp1.

looking to replace stock chinesse 6sn7g.
I believe the previous poster failed to notice that you're requesting MP-1 recs. I have an MP-1 paired with M60s and have found the Sylvanias to be my preference in the MP-1. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with Andy @ Vintage Tube Services and do it soon as he's closing up shop pretty soon. Discuss your sonic priorities and he'll take it from there. It may take a few weeks but you'll get the real deal NOS stuff graded expertly by a pro. Nuff said.
Acresverde writes:
get in touch with Andy @ Vintage Tube Services and do it soon as he's closing up shop pretty soon.
Really? That will be quite a loss - Andy has sold me excellent valves.

Andy is the best. He sold me many a fine tube, especially 6SN7s. This is a huge loss for tube audiophiles.
I have tried many tubes and the Sylvania Metal Base are the most alive, dynamic, full bodied and offer the best and most controlled bass. The Tung Sol tubes are wonderful too, but not as good as the Metal Base tubes. v The Ken Rads are the best on vocals, but sound rather rubbery or less controlled in the bass than the Sylvanias.

The Sylvania Bad Boys are good too and I usually use them in the second and third slot and the Metal Base tubes in the sonically critucal first position.
a real sleeper....CBS Hytron. I used them in both my MP-1 and MA-1's. Not an expensive tube, but about as even-handed as I ever heard in my A-S gear.