Amp for Nautilus 801

Any nautilus owner out there help me selecting an amp for my Nautilus 801!
The options I ve got are:
Mark Levinson No. 333
Krell MDA 300
Conrad Johnson Premier 12
Bryston 7B.
My music preference is Jazz and classical,occassionally pop.For pre amp I am using Casablanca II.Any suggestion will be of great help.
High Ali

If you can buy a ML 333 - what else do you want more. It's a wonderful amp. You should take it (that's about the only point I agree with Raquel).

Hi folks,
As suggested by Alphorn and Raquel,I did a very extensive audition of ML 333 and finally bought it in US$4500. I think ML 333 is a very good amp to drive Nautilus.Thanks friends for the great advise.My next goal is to upgrade the front end any suggestion on Sony XA 777ES or Cassablanca II,s Extreme DAC is superior?
Hi Ali
I do not know the products you name exactly.
But: Theta sounds good to me and I've heard very nice D/A converters of this brand.
I don't see Sony as a high end brand really. On the other hand I tested an old 555 once as a drive and the result was quite good.
The Sony could be the better drive than your Denon but I would nevertheless recommend to look for something else.

Hi Alphorn,
thanks for the response,I also tried an old 777 long ago as a transport and the result was very good.The other option is Wadia 7/9 combo,what you say,
Hi Ali
Don't know the 7/9 but I've heard excellent Wadia devices.
Try that!! (should be much better than 777).