Trying out a tube preamp

Hello, all. I'm looking for some ideas. My 2-channel system consists of a Sony SCD777ES front-end, Bryston BP25 preamp, Bryston 4BSST amp, Audioquest Python and Caldera wires, and Totem Mani2 speakers. My listening room measures about 13 by 15 feet and is "dead" in character -- carpeting, sheetrock over concrete walls, bookcases, etc. Musical taste covers the spectrum.

I'm very happy with the system and have been enjoying it for a few years. But... you know how it goes. Lately I've been thinking of trying something different. I'm thinking a tube preamp in place of the BP25. Just a hunch that it might be a worthwhile change. Let's say the budget is up to USD$5000. Used is fine. Any recommendations on what would work well with the rest of my system?
If you are willing to spend up to $5k there are lots of great no-miss pre-amps available. BAT, CAT, VAC, First Sound, Joule Electra, CJ, ARC. Come to mind. Supratek also. For line stage only, I would think that VAC Rennaissance, Supratek, Joule and First Sound would be where I would start. I had a CAT and found that it was too "high gain" and iwth the stepped attenuator, it was a problem getting the volume right.
Swampwalker's response says it all: YMMV. I have a CAT right now (Ultimate), and I love it. It's a great preamp, very engaging, but a bit low gain. I have the gain up pretty high. It's both natural sounding and toe tapping sounding. It really exceeded my Modulus 3a, by a mile. But that wasn't the most recent M3a. It did have the stepped attenuators (more recent than old), but according to AI the most recent ones are much more dynamic. So, if you go that route, make sure you know what you're buying. Nevertheless, a used CAT Ultimate is under your max budget. It is very dynamic, which was good to offset the non dynamism of my Quad 988's.
Lets not overlook the Aesthetix Calypso preamp. It performs at a lofty level considering its price. Very well made of premium components and has a dynamic and lively sound while being extremely neutral for a tube preamp. Best if all your equipment is balanced.
I tried the Lector Zoe tube pre amp and it finally made a trumpet sound like a trumpet and a french horn sound like a french horn. I use mine with an old threshold 4000 class a amp with magnepan speakers and it sounds great. I think it is a good idea to have a mix of SS and tube components. If you need a powerful amp you usually have to spend a fortune for a tube amp. Try combining a SS amp with a proper tube pre amp. The Lector Zoe can take many types of tubes and should be easy to tune to a variety of systems. Look for them on Agon for around $1400 ($2200 list).