Audiophile license plates

In the 1980's California allowed auto owners to purchase personalized license plates. I think I'm about ready for one now.

Do any of you have an audiophile themed plate on your auto?

I was thinking of using HIFIMAN , TURNTBL, TUBEPRE, PREAMP, REEL2RL, MONOBLC or something of the sort.

Please post your suggestions for my new plate. You are allowed only 7 spaces on the plate for your name...including any blank spaces.

It wouldn't be a white VW Rabbit would it?

Thats funny.

For a fundraiser in high school we demolised a VW Rabbit with baseball bats and sledgehammers. What was the coach or anyone else involved thinking?
I could never remember my plate numbers so I went simply with "Audio" though I needed to settle for "Audio1" since the former was taken. I'd been kicking around "Stereo" but since I drive an Audi, "Audio1" had a bit of a double meaning. Good luck.