Choosing the right Bryston amp

Hi all,
Interested in input on which Bryston amplifier would be most appropriate to power a pair of Revel F30 Performa loudspeakers. Is the 3BST enough? Or do I need at least the 4BST to get my money's worth out of the speakers?
Absolutely DO get the SST version over the ST version. I've owned both and for the few hundred bucks additional, the SST gets a lot of things right. ...even when compared to the big boys.

Dont sweat the resale, Bryston holds its value extremely well.

Concerning the power, I would bet, if you compared both side by side, you (or I) couldnt tell the difference. That is, until you crank it way up. You know your volume needs better than I. If you like to Jam go for more juice. ...and maybe some gin too!
I'm not familiar with your speakers, room or desired volume levels so FWIW, I'v always prefered the sound of the 3BST over the 4BST.
When I ran Thiel speakers, I preferred the 4BST to the 3BST -- it just sounded a bit more natural and deeper to me. Hey, you can't ask a question on Audiogon without getting conflicting answers, eh? For full disclosure, I also preferred the 7BST to the 4BST. I noticed a significant change in the ease of presentation with each upgrade.
Ozfly, I'm not at all surprised that you prefered the 4BST over the 3BST with Thiels.
Well...maybe the Revels are comparable to the Thiels in that regard. If there are certain specs common to both, that is. You would know better than me.