How to balance tube on top, solid on the bottom?

Hello how do you go about balancing the volume from my
pre-amp, For a system with tube amp on the highend of the
speaker and solid state on the bottom end? Its not a problem
if both amps are identical, But in this case they are not.
I use VTL MB100 for tweeters and Sunfire SRA at the bottom.
My preamp Sunfire SRP has two sets of outputs one is high-pass and another one is main. SS amp is connected to the main and tube amp is connected to high-pass through the balanced line converter with adjustable sensitivity.
Shogun, a few more comments.
1. I believe passive biamping, that is, using the speakers' passive crossovers, is worth the effort.
2. Many speaker systems include networks to equalize response and/or impedance; active filtering which avoids the crossover networks also avoids the benefits of these equalization networks.
3. I believe biamping works best with 3-way speakers with just bass (and not midrange too) on the bottom. The woofer can be driven very succesfully by a solidstate amp. You then can benefit from the glories of a tubed amp on the MR and treble (and not just treble as in a 2-way).

Which speaker? Do you have a schematic diagram of the crossover?
Works great with my Martin Logan SL-3's driving the woofer with a PS Audio GCC-100 & Cary SLAM-100 mono blocks driving the 'stat panels. The GCC-100 'gain cell' volume control drives both the power amp section of the GCC-100 and the Cary's via the output jacks on the GCC-100. I don't need to balance anything, the GCC-100 is 100 SS watts per & the Cary's in triode are 95 tube watts each - seems to be a great marriage for the Martin Logans - more than enough power & the tubes on the top really flesh out the panels, which can be a tad lean with SS amps.