VTL MB-450 "Generations"

I read the following in a 'goner's virtual system (from a 2004 Sterophile review).

"Since Chip Stern's update on VTL's second-generation MB-450 Signature back in October 2002, the amplifier has undergone further changes and improvements. It now features a completely redesigned input stage that incorporates advances made during the development of VTL's mighty Siegfried monoblocks."

This implies to me that there are at least 3 "generations" of this amp.
1 - When first introduced
2 - Available at the time of Oct. 2002 review
3 - Sometime before April 2004 when above line was printed
(they have a new version on the way but I won't count that)

Does anyone know how you could tell what "Generation" you had, serial number? other markings? Can you get a 1G or 2G upgraded to a 3G? If anyone is "in" on the nuances of the MB-450's life I would be interested in learning more.

Thanks for your input.
Good info on the not-quite-DIY cap upgrades as well as VTL's price and timeframe. Zaikes you mentioned Michael Percy who I hadn't heard of but found his web site, is that where you get your parts? He's more or less in my neck of the woods (about an hour north of here). Don't suppose he does tech work?

On the "softstart" feature would having or not having this affect ones ability to install these amps remotely? That is leave the power switches on and turn them on/off via a power conditioner.
"I checked with VTL today and they never put InfiniCaps in the stnadard MB-450's. They only do it as a special mod. The standard is the MIT MultiCaps."
That sounds right, however, I believe if you go back far enough, even the MultiCaps were an optional upgrade, but I don't know the time frame on this.

Bruce: Michael Percy is a well-known parts-seller in the industry. He is not a tech for hire as far as I know, but I suppose he may be able to recommend someone fairly local to you.

Your question about remote turn-on, whether via the soft-start modules or not, is one you'll probably have to ask VTL.
Just to make this thread more complete, I've since learned that besides the $1200 Infinicap upgrade NRostov wrote of, the factory will also do the "Super Balanced Input" upgrade for $1200, as well as a "Tube Saver" upgrade for $500.

A question they didn't answer was: Would the "Super Balanced Input" do any good if your were running single ended? (you'd have to consider Albertporter's comments if you wanted to do it anyway - especially at that price)
Bmcleod: That's interesting, Bea Lam told me (albeit a couple of years ago) that the "Super Balanced" input couldn't be upgraded to because it involved replacing the monolithic circuit board of the older amps completely, and wouldn't be worth the cost for what she described as a fairly minor change sonically speaking. I think you might be right that less than enthusiastic reports could be due to connection to single-ended preamps. The "Tube Saver" upgrade for $500 has to be the external soft-start modules, that's what they cost per pair.
I recently spoke with Bea, as I am about to purchase a pair of 1997 MB-450's that have been upgraded with infinicaps, the tube saver circuit, and balanced inputs (in addition to the RCA's). The tube saver circuit is not the soft start, but a current limiting circuit that kicks in when the tubes are driven to clipping (I believe). These amps also reportedly have 600v ceramic fuses (not sure if this was an upgrade or stock). They use the older, box chassis rather than the sloped backed chassis, which are easier to deal with when tilting back. Bea said she doesn't know anything about a "resistor upgrade" - it was the fuse change that offered the additional protection. Anyone else know anything about a resistor upgrade on the 450's and when it would have occurred?