Choice of tube amp?

I`ve auditioned some tube poweramps lately, the Rogue Zeus and the VTL S-400. This has left me contemplating a change from SS to tube power amplification.
My system consists of: APL Hifi NWO-2 cd/tube preamp, Pass Labs X350.5 and Martin Logan Summit. The APL and Summits are here to stay :) The Pass is up for discussion :) The Pass, in my setup, is a little dry sounding and doesn`t involve me as much as I know the APL and Summits are capable of. I`ve researched a little more than Rogue and VTL. I`ve been talking to VAC, Audio Valve, Wolcott, CJ and Cary. Any suggestions? And how they will compare to the Pass in my setup? If you feel my question is dumb or that you need more information, just tell me :)
Ya that zeus is a killer. I have a review on that amp from hifi choice i can fax
I don`have access to any fax as I`m on holiday in the middle of nowhere in Norway :( But I`ve read great things about the Zeus too, impressive specs for the money. Here in Norway it costs $12k
I don`have access to any fax as I`m on holiday in the middle of nowhere in Norway
I must have missed the "24-hr Access to Audiogon" bullet point in the highlights section of the Carnival Cruise Line brochure.
Hehe, I`m from Norway and where I am now in the mountains, we recorded 28 degrees fahrenheit 2 weeks ago :) So if someone could MAIL me the review all is fine :)