Modwright SWL 9.0SE Preamplifier

I happened upon this and if the reviews are anything to go buy this is one heck of a pre. Seems the price goes up very shortly so I may want to snag one before it does. I was wondering if the house had any experience? Also to what kit do you used the pre? I was also looking for tube monos to compliment it.

Many thanks :)
Jeffjazz makes a very good point about break-in, and synergy with loudspeakers.

My SWL9.0SE originally had Sonicaps, and I had the power supply caps modified to Blackgates. The Blackgates were clearly superior to the Sonicaps in my system, but they took a whopping 500 hours to break in. The change was obvious once it occurred.

Also, I was using the SWL9.0SE with VS Gen III HSE loudspeakers, which are extremely revealing and unforgiving of components, IMO.
I agreed with Mijknarf. In fact, The SW9SE is sounded very 3D with very smooth mid range which SS preamps cannot provide. Even my wife(she is not a audiophile) can pick up the difference after I change from SS preamp to SW9SE tube pre (retubed to RCA Bronze plate). She said, what did you do to your system ? I can hear more 3D and a lot more depth in the music. She was asking "how many thousands of $ did you spent on this change?". Of course, I said, I just cleaned up all the cable contacts inside and outside of my old preamp. Hehe... Yeah right ! haha...
Ted_B, you mentioned that the SWL 9.0SE inverts phase normally. Some other pre-amplifiers do this as well, but isn't it a rather serious limitation? Personally I only notice inverted phase on a subconscious level, and an inverting component in the signal chain would leave me with the nagging feeling that 'something isn't quite right'.
Holker, there is an easy fix. If there is an odd # of pieces in a system that inverts phase (usually this only happens with pre's so that odd # is usually 1) then just reverse the the speaker cables at one end to return to absolute phase. Or is some cases one can use the phase reversal switch found on some gear. If the source or amp also (unusual) also inverts phase, then all will return to normal.
Thanks for the tip. I thought it wouldn't be so straight forward because my setup includes a REL subwoofer (which connects to speaker ground and right/left speaker terminals), but of course the sub has a phase reversal switch. So it should work as you described.