Modwright SWL 9.0SE Preamplifier

I happened upon this and if the reviews are anything to go buy this is one heck of a pre. Seems the price goes up very shortly so I may want to snag one before it does. I was wondering if the house had any experience? Also to what kit do you used the pre? I was also looking for tube monos to compliment it.

Many thanks :)
Can someone tell me if this preamp is has a balanced output
Stickychicken (Answers)
The SWL9.0SE does not have a balanced output, however Modwright has a new fully balanced preamp just being released. I do not recall the model number or pricing.
The Modwright SWL 9.0 SE does not have balanced outs...his new LS36 (due out in March-April) will. The tube rec'd upgraded PS was just announced (he's had it for the LP and the player mods like my Denon 3910 for some time). The first feedback is on his forum on Audio Circle.