Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri

Need a good advise here since the possibility of listen before i buy is limited. No hard-rock fan, else all kind of music. On my short list at the moment are Pathos (Classic), Sugden, BAT, Creek, Edge, Lavardin, CJ.
You're being thorough in your approach, and no one can fault you for your decision. after all, its your system and your ears. You have been very consistent about what is not ideal for you about the Gs, and i have noticed you have been able to articulate it better and better. Good luck with the sub and your search in general. if ultimately, you decide not to go with Gs (w/ or w/out sub), feel free to email back about alternative solutions. Good luck.
Daveyf, good call on "Mememto or Homage" question.

Deaf, what color are they? Red (maybe Graphite) or Brown? I've owned both at the same time and they are different.
Definitely Homages, and in beautiful condition and complete with all original packaging and a signed booklet with the serial numbers.
A bigger, more difficult issue with the GH's - If you go to the A'gon thread:

"Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?"

to page 6, and see my post of 06-06-10, you will understand another problem I'm trying to deal with while assessing these. Keep in mind that that post was half a year and several new components ago...
Deaf, reading the Stereophile review of the idecco, it appears that you need to use the fixed output option for the idecco. The follow up specs by JA were also interesting. To my mind, reading between the lines, JA seemed to think that the DAC was fairly good, BUT the various i/o options were not. It also seemed to me a luke warm write up by JA, due to various jitter issues and the like, that JA talked about. I got the impression that the idecco was very marginal in several areas.
As I have said before, there are many of these "Swiss Army knife" like audio pieces on the market now, all of the ones that I have heard are barely even mid-fi, IMHO.