How much better is the Krell 400xi compared to the

How much better is the Krell 400xi(200w) compared to the Krell 300i (150w) people? Sound quality and overall performances?

Is it worth then buying a used Krell 400xi over a used Krell 300i ? The difference is probably about $750 to $1000 ?
How's about the re-sale value? Currently, 400xi listed for 1600.00 uo to 1700.00 with 1 year or less of usage. The discontinued, vintaged 300i listed average 1100.00 with average 6 to 8 years of usage. It's the question of re-sale value and the marketability of the current unit vesus vintage unit. Don't we have the upgrade desire every once a while?

The manufacturer rates it a 200wpc/8ohms. How can it be rated higher by someone else?
I am looking for a new amp. I now have a Jungson JA88, chinese yes but amazing value for less than 1.000 Euros...I was wondering if a Mc MA6800 second hadn would be something but reading these comments on Krell make me doubt. Over here Krell is often assosiated with little refinement...
Just bought a brand new 400xi after reading reviews and discussions. Dont know how long is the break-in period, but out of the box it doesnt sound better than my integrated amp which only cost $700. When pairing with the Oppo 981 and when eq is activated, the eq made the normal mode sounds muted, lifeless, lack of dynamic... While using the brand X integrated amp, the eq made the pre sounds artificial and eq'ed, so it sounds perfect and natral without the eq. These AB were done using Klipsch RB75. Dont know if Magnepan 1.6, 3.6, Gallo Ref 3.1 or Zu Druid mk4 could make the 400xi sounds right. So far, unimpressed! I hate to cough out $3-4K for any of these speakers and get disappointed.