Best Amp for my Pipedreams and ML 32

Need your help and advice.

I own the Pipedreams and two preamps, the Mark Levinson 32, and the Linn CD12. I would like to buy the best ss amp for this combination (to be used for the mids and highs since I will use my existing Krell FPB 600 for the lows). My priorities: musicality, midrange magic, imaging, and overall dynamics -- of course, a synergistic match with my existing components would also be ideal. I prefer not to have a tube amp due to maintenance. I would also considering getting a new CD player since my Linn CD12 is old and is probably no longer state of the art (for a CD player, I would consider tube). If money is no object, what would you recommend getting for the amp? any recommendations on the CD player?

thanks in advance.
The best I ever heard the Pipe Dreams sound (and it was stunning) was driven by the big 400-pound GamuT S-300 amplifier. I think that amp is no longer made, but every now and then one shows up used.

The treble of the Krell is fixed w. the Elrod power cord. I stongly suggest you try it. You will save a lot of money. Just get the power cord & try the Krell on top. It transforms the Krell FPB 600. Even helps the articulation of the bass. It will save you a lot of money. Just try to Elrod Power Cord on your existing Krell & try it on the 2 towers. I have heard it with tubes in a show and I could hear the subwoofer separate from the Towers. The towers sounded glorious.
First of all, thanks for all the very helpful responses.

Sorry I forgot to state that I also have the VAC Master Controller Preamp and can also use that with the Pipedreams. The only qualification is that I want to use ss, not tubes for my amps and that I want to biamp the system. I would consider selling the Krell if the synergy issue is a real problem.

Any thoughts regarding SS amps with the VAC preamp?
The biggest problems that i've seen with trying to run a tubed preamp with an SS power amp had to do with impedance mismatches. Due to the way that most gear is ( poorly ) designed, you have to factor in a HUGE impedance mismatch when going this route. That is, most tubed pre's want to see a very high input impedance on an amp. Trying to run a tubed pre with an SS amp that has a lower input impedance typically results in a very warm, syrupy thick bloat that sounds terrible. So long as you can keep the input impedance of the amplifier kind of high, you shouldn't run into too many problems. Otherwise, you may end up spending a fortune on cabling and tube-rolling trying to resolve a basic electrical mismatch. Sean