Anyone compare Lavardin with Sugden?

I am moving to a small apartment.
I will probably have Audio Note AN-J speakers in the corners, and a Rega Saturn CDP. I need a good integrated. Sugden A21SE or Lavardin IS Reference have come to the top of my list as a result of my reading. Has anyone compared these or can anyone offer some advice.
Room is 15 x 11. My music is all acoustic, mostly female vocal, no orchestras, no rock or heavy sounds.

"Seeking ecstacy through the female voice"

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You might want to consider the Audio Note OTO SE integrated with your AN/J's. A lot of people seem to like that combination. The OTO SE's 10 wpc should be just fine in a room that size. I happen to use an Audio Note M1 pre and P2 SE amp (18 wpc) combo in a room a bit smaller than yours. I originally bought my gear for a much larger room where I used it for several years, but for a smaller room in mind I would have gone with the OTO SE.