Passive Pre - No Regrets?

I'm interested in hearing from folks who have moved from a high quality active preamp (I'm currently using a CAT SL1 Ulitmate)to a passive preamp and have had no regrets. I'm particularly interested in hearing from those that have switched to a Placette or Sonic Euphoria (the two I'm considering). I'm using a CAT JL2 Amp feeding Merling VSM-MX.
I traded my Cat mk2 with a pair of scott endler attenuators running direct to my tube monos with the attenuators on the front of the interconnects instead of the end in to the monos.
The sound and detail was just immense compared with the Cat, although not in every position on the attenuators. This setup was very anoying to opperate with a second source, hade to be switched with the Interconnects, you get the point.Now I use a Sonic Euphoria TVC and get about 95% of the package with the convenience to tave a Remote Control . I do not regrett that I
sold the Cat, because I got my Money back I had into it.I would like to try those silver rocks from switzerland ,because I believe in having nothing or the least in between any component connection with the highest quality o parts.To you I suggest to buy a used TVC and try yourself ,You can always resale if your setup dosn't improve maybe without a loss.
Hi Herman, Obviously I don't hide who I am :) I also cannot escape facts- and I outlined them above. Yes- a few inches of wire (often unshielded) can be a *lot* different from a few feet of cable. If you've not tried it, then do so! You will see what I mean. There is a good and simple reason there are so many comments on this thread favoring active line stages: the issue is real.

Integrated amplifiers often share power supplies and limit the ability to keep short speaker cables while at the same time putting the sources at a distance from local sound fields. There can be no question that while they might be very good, they are a compromise in these areas and always have been. But if you have no space to start with they can be a good choice.
Pubul57, my man, you have done me a BIG favour by starting this thread! :-)
I had EXACTLY the same idea/thought (to swap out my CAT SL1 Sig Mk 3 for a passive 'cuz it has too much gain & the resistor attenutor volume control has large steps, which is the ONLY thing that drives me crazy with this preamp) & (as coincidence would have it) even shared my thoughts on this with Ozzy62.

I also would be very interested in reading your comments on the Placette resistor VC (& any other passive pre you might try). Please post them in this thread. Thanks!
"There is a good and simple reason there are so many comments on this thread favoring active line stages: the issue is real."

There are even more favoring passives. Not that either proves anything.

"But any line section that has a low enough output impedance will drive a single-ended cable quite well- this is how 50 ohm cable for video can work."

My Museatex Bitsream dac has an output of 3V@300ohms. My Art Audio amp has a sensitivity of 0.7V and input impedence of 180kOhms. I don't seem to have any problems and prefer the TVC to any active preamp I have used within my price range.

Different tools for different tastes.
A funny story for Atmasphere(and others),

4-5(maybe 3-4) years ago I called Jack Elliano of Electra-Print (of transformers and DRD/Ultrapath amps fame) about winding a transformer volume control for me. At the time, S&B TVC's seemed excessively expensive and I was looking for an affordable US substitute. (I know have S&B)

Jack is a great guy and wealth of knowledge about all things audio, especially transformers. Even better, he loves to talk about the subject just as much for conversation as doing business.

He spent at least a half hour with me outlining all the fundamental engineering reasons why a TVC was inferior to active linestages and why he would never make/sell one even though he had been getting a lot of calls about them. He wasn't being condescending, rude, or defensive about the subject, just the reasons why his 20+ years of experience led him to believe they were a fad and not anything of lasting merit. I aked if he would ever give them a try and he said there was no reason.

Well, low and behold, Jack and Electra-Print now sell a transofrmer based volume control he refers to as a "Passive Volume Attenuator" preamp (bottom of page). His version of the TVC might be slightly different because it was desinged to load the output transistors of your source so they can deliver optimal current. His PVA then converts that current to an equivelent voltage.

Noentheless, I applaud Jack's open mind when it comes to audio and engineering. After intial resistence, he began to seriously look into the subject which has resulted in a 180 degree change in his opinion. So much so, that he is putting his time, money, and company reputation behind it.