Jungson or Korsun/Dussun?


I'm new on this forum. I have registered because it seems that many of you have heard on Jungson and Dussun products.

I'm a little bit confused. For a past few days I have red allmost everything I could find about Jungson JA-88D and Dussun/Korsun V6/V8i.

What's making me confused is that many people is saying that korsun/dussun is tubelike soft and powerfull and many other saying that jungson is tubelike warm and so on.

How can so many people get so diffrent opinion about one product?

Some are saying that jungson have hard sound other that korsun have hard sound?

I have no possibilities to listen to korsun either dussun so please can you who have heard these amplifiers tell me how they sound.

I want to buy one of them.

Best regards, Boris
Well, I've taken a gamble and just ordered a Dussun V6-i for myself from a Hong Kong dealer. Will let you know how it turns out.
All I can say after using the Jungson for 3 months now that it is an amazing amp for thr money. I had a Pathos Logos before and sold it to use the Jungson. I always find it difficult to describe sound in words but "hear through clarity" is something that is really the thing with this amp. This does not mean analytical or harsh. The midband is cristal clear, voices are very natural and with your taste of music it is a safe choice.
Try to contact shadowaudio.co.uk they offer 30 day trials
I have had the Jungson 88D last year for about 5 months before moving on to a tube amp. For a solid state, it was the smoothest sound I have heard, but it lacked the extra bloom and inner detail of better tube amps. Its treble was silken. Imaging and soundstage was good for SS, but better tube amps will beat it. Some have described the Jungson as being "slow" in the bass. To a certain extent, I have to agree. With my Hyperion 938s, the bass was a little muddled and didn't have the extension expected from a SS, but this may be an issue to amp/speaker mismatch. In fact, my new tube amp has much greater slam, extension, and articulation than the SS Jungson. The Jungson is not the ultimate in transparency. But if you like relaxed, smooth sound, this may be the amp. I wouldn't pair it with a warm sounding speaker that tends to sound fat in the bass. If you have bright speakers, it would be a good match.