old vs new

this is a strange question that may have been answered already.

If one had say $1000 to spend on an amp or preamp, would one be better of buying somthing new or pick up something that is 5-10 yrs old. I mean would a Mccormack DNA 0.5 be better than a new Odyssey stratos. Or would a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 be better than a new Jolida preamp for the same cost.

Advancement in electronic components/technology must count for something or is the design of the unit/quality of parts that is more important. I hope i'm making sense
A curve ball...which manufacturers are now outsourcing to China, when 3-5 years ago, they were building in the USA or the EU?

I don't know the answer, but it might be interesting to check!
I'm new at this + i'm not in the US, so have to be doubly certain of what I am doing. I dont have the luxury of buying and selling gear to get to that 'magic' sound.

I'm in the process of picking up a B&K st2140 from a good seller at audiogo. Have also invested in a Music Hall cd 25.2. My final upgrade will be to get a good preamp. You will probably laugh at my present system which consists of

Marantz cd-67 se
Onkyo P-301/M-501 for DIY MTM's
Yamaha AX-490 for two DIY passive subs
most importantly all the gear runs through a 2Kva serv stabilizer. And all equipment is isolated with DIY spikes.

for an 8 yr old system it still sounds very good compared to a lot of so called mid-fi systems i have heard
the question of better is very subjective. i personally consider some of the older tube amps and preamps much better than anything made today.

an example is the conrad johnson mv 125 amplifier. i have not heard anything better. i have attended ces and he shows and belong to an audio club. i would have a problem purchasing an amplifier in production in 2006--same for pre amp.

as for speakers, i still think the quad esl is ias good as it gets in the mids and treble.
dont see too many late model tube preamps below $1000 available on audiogon. Most of the bette known units are close to $2000. So if ones budget is below $1000 will it be 'safer' to opt for a ss preamp.