Has anybody else experienced the magic of Karan??

I just recieved the new Karan dual mono KSA 270 amp and have never heard such a massive change to my system before!!I am running a source direct GNSC Wadia dac and transport with all Virtual Dynamics cabling in a dedicated room.The sound is truly huge in every way imaginable, dynamics,resolution,naturalness,detail.I feel like I hit the lottery of audio!!Are there are others who feel the same way about Karan ??
some specs please?
It doubles? A peak? slew rate? damping factor?......
sounds very interesting!
Hi Kops, the amp has a damping factor of 6ooo which controls the speaker with a vise like grip.The power does double as the impedance drops and it has a bandwith of 1hz-300,000hz which is the same as the Boulder amps ( the whole Karan line uses the same front end circuit).The slew rate is unknown but I can tell you that it delivers a whole slew of music!The amp does weigh in at a 130lbs and is dc coupled with bipolar outputs (Sankens)and is using a myriad of German parts(trannies @960kvaand caps and heat sinks).It runs very coool to the touch and since my speakers are 6 ohms they are pulling a 400 watts out of the amp (possible 500 watts peak).It does have a beutiful double aluminum face plate with a tactfully done Karan logo.
I am sorry, I took pictures of the amp but they are very blurry so I wil try again shortly.I am demoing the amp today to a guy who has Lamn's and the big Wilsons.The amp has about 200 hours on it and is almost burned in sonically ( I hope).Take care Dennis
It is good to find another Karan fan! I've owned my Karan KA-i180 integrated for 3 years. It is a truely amazing piece of audio equipment!