Preamplifier: Yes or NO ?

I post this thread because I want to know your opinion about the use of the preamplifier or if no preamplifier is better. A few years ago I tried the old Wadia 6 CD Player with volumen control. Althought it sounded very well without preamplifier I felt the sound lost body.
I red that many brands improved the volumen control in they CD Players so I want to know if you could compare with or without preamplifier.
So if you have CD Player like Wadia, Mark Levinson or Audio Aero, please let me know your opinion.
I think that if the current and impedance matches between the source and amp match well it is best to avoid the complexity, circuitry, and power supplies of an active preamplifier. You still need a very high quality volume control and there are not too many better than those found on the Placette passive preamps.
hi 9rw, i thought you gave up the hobby.

i meant color, not "solor". yes you are correct. there is no proof. as i have said before all staements dependent upon perception are anecdotal and hence opinion--yours, mine and anyone else.

i appreciate that you remind me what i have said in the past.

why is one opinion more or less useful than another ?

my preferences do not preclude me from honest evaluations.
i have no reason to misrepresent.

what one listens to in the privacy of one's listening environment does not benefit me in any way. i am not an audio dealer and i have no ego.
"I have no ego"

ROTFLMAO. If you have no 'ego' why do you argue or justify you posts when folks either denegrate you or your opinions. In truth I sense a huge ego lurking in at least your sub-conscious.

I find it facinating and yet cannot understand why you persist in posting about your personal audio preferences in an 'audiophile forum'. You are certainly intelligent enuf to understand that these opinions are clearly not representative of/or relative to the goals of folks buying equipment here.

It's as if you do it only to goad folks into responding negatively to you and/or your posts. But why would you do that? I guess I've have to get out some of my psych texts.
Thanks, Newbee. The fact Mrtennis continues to post here is baffling. Maybe he likes the abuse.

Actually, Mrtennis, some opinions are indeed more useful than those of others. Yours, for instance. You have to establish some credibility before people care what you think about components. And, no, I have not given up this hobby. Music and the equipment used to reproduce music have been dear to me for more than 30 years. I've let countless others take you to task for some of your moronic posts. Some of your more recent posts, however, have actually been more in line with what we try to accomplish through the forum. They've almost come across as being, dare I say, genuine, instead of merely being designed to provoke.

For being a "writer" and "reviewer," it's amazing how careless you are when it comes to spelling. It tends to undermine the points you're trying to make.
it seems to me that an audiofile forum is a place where perosnal opinions and preferences are raised. in fact, people express their attitudes about many things.

newbee, you ask a good question and you are straight forward. i like that.

i will try to answer the question regarding presentation of opinions which are diametrically opposed to the "conventional wisdom" and opposed to many who read and post their opinions in this forum.

first, i am an independent thinking person and by nature, somewhat iconoclastic.

i have had a lot of experience listening to a variety of stereo systems. as such, i have some very strong opinions.

my central hypothesis is that most stereo systems are imbalnced, with too much energy in the region 1000 to 3000 hz.

yes, this is an opinion. i can't prove it any more than somewhat who disagrees with me.

i am trying to have a civil discourse with people who disagree with me. it is unfortunate that some take my comments personally. it is only audio--material things.

as to the ego. i have strong convinctions and am willing to assert them. i do not benefit in any way from the decisions and attitudes others may have regarding topics of an audio nature. if someone agrees with me and buys something, i do not gain. in fact, i may not even be aware of such a purchase.

i have a lot of schooling beyond college and have a philosopical bent. i guess you could say i like to debate.
debating and discussion keeps my brain cells from atrophying, so i guess i should thank you for keeping me on my toes.

you can draw your own conclusions as to whether or not i have an ego, beyond what what would be construed as a normal sense of self.

i hope this clears the air.