Any thoughts on Krell

Just wondering if anyone out there is getting frustrated with Krells continued changing of product lines and designs. I have been a very loyal Krell user, but I am feeling that Krell has changed their business philosophy. I have coughed up a ton of dough on KPS25SC, KAS's, FPB's, and the AVS which turned out to be non upgradable. each time I settle in to these large investments, Krell changes the look and the entire line. The value of the "last version" drops like a rock for all of us users. Unlike a brand like McIntosh that has a philosphy of at least leaving the appearance the same. Perhaps I am bit sensitive on this topic. Any thoughts?
Hi Oneobgyn,
Here is an extract that you said,
I have also owned literally every bit of Krell gear over the years until I went all tube. My favorites were their KPS 25SC, KRC-HR and their Reference 64 DAC and MD-10 transport. I used these with their 750 Mcx monos and the sound was at the height of the game. Had I not wanted to go all tubes I would still be right there with that gear.
Which combo is the more extended, natural, ie better KPS25 OR KRC-HR Reference64- md10?
Currently have a Krell KPS20i/L
I have an FPB 300cx for more than 4 years and don't think about "upgrading" or changing it just because Krell has come out with a new (much more expensive) line. I think Krell is one of the lesser sinners in the upgrade brothel, with the FPB series having been around for 6-7 years and built to last and perform well for at least 20 years. Krell is positively saintly compared to ARC or now CJ with its top pre's.

Solution: if you like the Krell sound and don't like the frequent generations, then buy used.

Case closed.