Linn Kolector or Wokonda preamp?

It has been a while since I had a Linn system. I want to gradualy move back as budget allows me to.

I am looking for a Linn preamp to use with my Pass Labs Aleph 30 amp that I will eventually change out.

Can you recommend which Linn preamp sounds better. Or should I consider a more current Linn preamp. Absolutely nothing too expensive.
I directly compared the Kolektor and Wakonda over 2 weeks a few years ago. The Wakonda is better balanced, the highs are less grainy and smoother sounding. The Kolektor is more forward sounding overall with a little more drive. Overall I would say the Wakonda is the much better preamp, even though the Kolektor is actually more flexible in its functions, inputs and outputs. I did keep the Wakonda around for about 8 months.

Why not try one of the Pass Preamps? From experience with Pass amplifiers (a Pass FirstWatt F1) I would say that they are quite a step up from the Linn.
Current would be better. However, if you're looking at discontinued models to save a few bucks while you rebuild, look for a Kairn. For not much more than a Kolector or Wakonda, you can get a used Kairn which is much, much better and relatively cheap now that it's discontinued .