Integrated amp reccomendations

Hey all,
I want to upgrade my amplifier. I would like to stay in the integrated solid state world. I don't want the hassle or worrying about tubes, and a preamp-amp combo is probably out of my price range. My system is a Cambridge Audio Azur 640C CD player, an NAD C370 integrated amp, Sonus Faber Concerto Home speakers, and a REL Stadium III subwoofer. I use Cardas Cross Speaker cables, and Monster M550 Interconnects. OH! I also have a Musical FIdelity X10-V3 tube buffer between the CD player and integrated. I would like to buy a(new or used) integrated that will take a little of the hardness/edginess away from the sound. Give it a more fluid, life-like quality. It has to have enough power to run the Concerto's in a medium to large sized room with vaulted ceilings. The bass is handled by the REL, but I still want that midbass presence out of the Concertos. Lastly, I don't want to break the bank. I listen to everything from hard rock/metal to classical and acoustic music. Progressive rock/metal is my favorite, but of course, being progressive, it has a little of everything in it.

I know this is a tall order, but I need help.
My NAD always received good write-ups. Should I stick with it, or is there something reasonable in price that would be a real improvement?

Thanks in advance!
The Blue Circle NSCS should be on an integrated amplifier audition list as well . . .
Creek 5350se with phono stage. Resale should be around the same thing you pay for it 900-1000 inc case you dont like. Bryston b- 60 is another one costing about the same . Class A Stereophile. Excellant unit
Consider the Dussun V8i. 250w/CH for $1600. Great reviews and 30 day money back guarantee from AAA-Audio. What do you have to lose ?
Hi, how a bout adding a tube preamp to your Nad amplifier section, and loose the buffer. Maybe a tube pre w/ dac like the Monarchy, $980. new direct. That should smooth things out in both the amp and cd player. I've used a tube pre with Nad amp section with excellent results. Also i might try some different ICs like Cardas, Audience AU24, Harmonic tech copper, Anti ICs, etc. The Nad is a nice amp, works well with you speakers, keep it and try a tube pre/cables/DAC. Just a thought, good luck, Alan
I also recommend the Dussun V8i. Nothing hard sounding there. It'smooth and powerful. As Erider says-what do you have to lose with the 30 day money back guarantee? It's a lot more amp than it should be for $1600. Just change out the stock preamp jumpers and give it several hundred hours of break in.