Integrated amp reccomendations

Hey all,
I want to upgrade my amplifier. I would like to stay in the integrated solid state world. I don't want the hassle or worrying about tubes, and a preamp-amp combo is probably out of my price range. My system is a Cambridge Audio Azur 640C CD player, an NAD C370 integrated amp, Sonus Faber Concerto Home speakers, and a REL Stadium III subwoofer. I use Cardas Cross Speaker cables, and Monster M550 Interconnects. OH! I also have a Musical FIdelity X10-V3 tube buffer between the CD player and integrated. I would like to buy a(new or used) integrated that will take a little of the hardness/edginess away from the sound. Give it a more fluid, life-like quality. It has to have enough power to run the Concerto's in a medium to large sized room with vaulted ceilings. The bass is handled by the REL, but I still want that midbass presence out of the Concertos. Lastly, I don't want to break the bank. I listen to everything from hard rock/metal to classical and acoustic music. Progressive rock/metal is my favorite, but of course, being progressive, it has a little of everything in it.

I know this is a tall order, but I need help.
My NAD always received good write-ups. Should I stick with it, or is there something reasonable in price that would be a real improvement?

Thanks in advance!
I don't know why you eliminated the Dussun V8i from consideration. It's 1600 new, with a 30 day money back. It is warm and full sounding. I had the NAD M3- it also has a warm quality and smooth sound and offers great flexibility. (has tone controls- balance, and plenty of features that other integrateds lack)-read the recent stereophile review as well as the TAS review.

I had the Plinius 9200 not the 9100- great integrated- lovely midrange- nice highs--a bit lean in presentation.

No experience with Mu Fi.
I haven't really eliminated anything. You reccomend the Dussun that much, huh? What do you mean by "lean presentation" for the plinius?
i agree with bigtee about room treatment etc. own a NAD 372 int. and found it not hard sounding but some nad stuff can be... dunno about 370. i just purchased a scott nixon DAC for my NAD cdp and it makes for a really nice improvement in average cd sound. check out his site. makes a model with tube power very affordable and interesting approach to DAC. i don't think the amp is the problem as much as i have read from this string. imo sounds like a DAC solution may be the ticket along with some well placed wall panels. bigtee has made some very astute points. good luck, you have a nice system going there already.
I'd love to mess with room treatments, but I don't think the others living here would be appreciative. I don't have a dedicated listening room. The system is in a large, vaulted ceiling, great room.
Here's a thought: What if used the NAD as a linestage feeding a PASS labs X-150? That way I can upgrade to seperates later. Everyone says Pass is very clean and musical.