Why Tube Pre-SS amp over SS Pre- Tube amp?

Is it just a trend (fashionable I mean)or does it just make more sense than SS Pre- Tube amp?
The primary reason for going with tube pre into solid state amp is that it is much easier to get a lot of power from solid state than tube circuits. While I am not a fan of solid state amps of any power rating, I am also not a fan of most high powered tube amps as well. A lot of high powered tube amps sound hard and brittle and less natural than comparably powered solid state amps.

But, when feeding low-powered tube amps, the linestage issues become more mixed. I've heard a number of tube linestages that sound good in certain setups and quite bad in others; and the differences are often unpredictable. One really must try the specific pieces together. The solid state linestages I own and have tried in several systems (Placette Active and Levinson No. 32) seem more consistent and predictable than tube linestages I have heard.

But, when you find a good tube-into-tube arrangement, there really can be magic.

thanks. does the fact that it changes voltage make it sound more like tubes that other SS options?
I think the original rational, at least sometimes, was $'s. Now with very good high power tube amps available for less than insane cost (Rogue, used Bat, etc.) I'm not sure that the original rational is valid. Imho.
I'm a purist. Tubes (SET) all the way. Pre to amp. It works for my ears. SET, particulary, very magical, holographic, you've heard the whole nine of adjectives: and they are true. I wouldn't let an SS pre amp touch my SET amp. Kind of like putting slip covers over a beautiful new sofa. Of course, there are probably SS pre amps that can do the job that my pre does, but I gots to draw the line somewhere in my sonic journey.

I do agree with you that all tube, is the way to go. I currently use a SET amp as well.

I have, however, heard a number of non-SET amps that are really good alternatives. One is a near one-of-a-kind OTL that is about 20 years old that the owner was will to part with for something like $70k. Another astonishing amp I heard was a Western Electric pushpull amp in a massive vertical rack arrangement. The owner had only one amp (i.e., mono) and cannot find another to make a stereo pair. I heard it in a side-by-side comparison with an Audionote (uk) Kageki (the SET I own). It was a better amp, but, then again, it costs almost four times what the Kageki costs.

I have heard a number of fine systems with solid state linestages in them, but, these systems are so different from mine and I cannot say what contribution to the overall sound was made by the solid state linestage. Still, some of these linestages, like the Connoisseur and the Naim 552 I heard, must be pretty good if the systems sounded pretty good.