What amp to use with Apogee Stage speakers

What amplifer (power amplifier or integrated) would you recommend for the Apogee Stage speaker? I've read that a very expensive high powered amplifier (in excess of 200 watts) isn't necessary to achieve great sound with this speaker, the smallest in the Apogee line at the time of its release. In fact some can sound worse than a well matched 100 watt amp. Thanks.
Check the Apogee user group for lots of opinions on amps for Stages - http://audioworld.com/cgi-bin/sw/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum=Apogee+Acoustics+Users+Group&number=1
I have owned Stage speakers (later upgraded to Mini Grands) for 15 years. The low power statements for the Stage speakers was a marketing point that was accurate but not 100% accurate. I find they like a little more power. They will sound good with a musical 100 watt (into 8 0hms)amp but sound a lot better with a 200 watt version of the same amp. Yes, I know the Stages are 3-4 ohms. I was just stating a reference point for the power rating.

Be sure to get an amp that can be stable into the low impedance load of the Stages. The wrong amp will clip badly and make the MRT dance like a ribbon in the wind. With the right amp the MRT will be steady as a rock even at loud volumes.

Classe and Plinius amps have been paired well with the Stages. Good luck
I have been using the Stages now for about 7 years. They do seem to like power. The Aragon 4004 mk2 is a good match for not much $$, I tried a Krell KSA-150, and it did not do it for me, also a audio research 100 watt tube amp was not not a great match for me. I am now using (for 3 years) a set of VTL 300 mono blocs, a very good match to my ears, these can be bought used for around 2k. When properly fed and setup, the Stages make wonderful music. A true bargin.
Enjoy Bob
Apogee Stages were a stereophile recommended component. I owned a pair for a short while. Stereophile recommended Classe amplifiers for use with the Stages. I was using them with a pair of VAC PA 90 monoblocks. They were very sweet sounding with the Vac amps, which I listened to in triode mode. With the tubes, I thought they lacked dynamics and bass punch.

I sold them to a friend of mine, she took Stereophle's advice and bought a Classe amp. She kept them for about ten years.
Also consider McCormack and hybrid amps (SS/tubes). Tubes on Stages are very musical if you provide adequate power.

Stages can sound good with low power amps but they will be somewhat congested compared to a more powerful amp. I am not talking monster powerful amps here. Just try for something 200/400 or 250/500 watts(8/4 ohms).