Opportunity to buy the best Preamp... but which?

On the tube front... AR Ref3 vs. CJ ART3 vs. VL TL-7.5 vs. Wavac PR-T1?

Or on the SS front... Burmester 808Mk5 vs Dartzeel NHB-18NS vs Krell Evolution2 vs MBL 6010D vs Halcro DM10?

My preference would be a neutral tube based model.

Any opinions?

Why not take up NAP's and VSO Marketing's offer to try the P12-R in your system on a 30 trail. Yes, now you don't have to wait weeks to get your pre. VSO has them instock. They take CC's and would be happy to end your preamp decisions by allowing you or anyone else to audition this magnificent peice of gear. You can reach VSO at moltz@vsomarketing.com or 201-874-8108.
Hearing what the P12-R can do in your system is the RIGHT way to discover what all those who have already bought this pre now!
I really think that the First Sound Paramount is worthy of mention and is built like a tank to boot. Anything that has 500,000 microfarads and weighs inat a paltry 120lbs and is only a preamp, may have something going for it. This is a tube beast and I still remember the sonic signiture of my lesser MKII. The 16000 dollar sticker is a slight kicker, but if you want to own the best? E.Go is also a real gentleman and gives amazing service to boot. Hope this helps Dennis
Jmaldonado, if God made a preamp it wouldn't have transistors in it either :)
Atmasphere is more correct as it pertains to divine intervention regarding preamps ... I've had tons of both gear (includng the new Krell Evo rig), musc is not made without a great tube preamp involved!
Dave b, I just wonder if the role of hifi should be to "make music" or to convey the music that is made by the musician/s!? The accuracy of this conveyance (transit...) being a fundamental requirement of achieving high fidelity: the truth/fidelity residing with the musician/s and their performance

Just a thought