Krell 400xi vs. BAT VK-300x vs. McIntosh MA6900

I'm considering 1 of these 3 excellent Integrated Amplifiers to power my newly aquired Wilson Sophia Speakers. My Source Component will be either the Krell Standard or BAT VK-D5. Installing in a mid>large size living room. I'm looking for a smooth, full/robust, easy- on-the-ears sound. I'd rather not have to buy all 3 for an at home a/b/c audition, though I know that this is the preferred method of evaluating Components. Thought that I might give this post a try, to at least narrow it down to 2. Thanks!
I recently did a week-long at home audition of the McIntosh MA6900 against my 3-year old Krell KAV-400xi. It was a tough decision because these two Amps sound as different as two solid-state amplifiers can sound. The Krell has great dynamics, imaging and mid-bass punch. The McIntosh has a refined, smooth and full sound, with good deep-bass and a wide sound-stage. I felt that the Krell was the more neutral of the two, even though it could have a bit of a bite to it on less than ideal Discs. In the end, the Krell simply sounded closer to live music, the Instruments and Voices had realistic weight and texture to them. The McIntosh sounded like a very good Stereo System, a nostalgic sound when compared to the current house sounds of Krell, Ayre, BAT or Mark Levinson. I will say that McIntosh gear does sound very different from anything else out there, with a unique house sound, I could understand their loyal following, since their Customers would have a hard time finding this sound from another solid-state manufacturer, the rest do tend to sound more-or-less the same.
I agree that McIntosh is quite different from most other SS amps and if you like it, little else will do. I suppose that is why they are the oldest hifi manufacturer in the world - they always retained part of the market somehow.

McIntosh SS will appeal to people who like tube amplifiers. For people who like the "classic" SS sound, they will be surprised at how McIntosh amps sound, and thus will probably not like them. Human judgement is solely based on personal familiarity.

Having said that, I have yet to hear a good SS amp that can beat a good tube amp for the reproduction of mids and highs. The McIntosh SS amps come as close as I have heard but still not quite there. But then again, this is only valid from my point of view.

I find that "realistic weight and texture" mainly comes from system synergy and design rather than a single amplifier. There are some bright systems where the McIntosh would have been the one with realistic weight and texture. It is all relative afterall.

Although, I have to admit that I have never heard a stereo that could reproduce a live production exactly so those comparisons may not be very meaningful anyway. They are mere objective details which are always very difficult to reproduce whether you speak of cooking, painting, hifi, or whatever. Not to mention they can sometimes overshadow the bigger picture.

Recreating the emotion and the energy of a live production, however, IS possible with a very good stereo and that is what I strive for. To that end, the McIntosh SS amps overall are excellent at conveying this type of information IMO. So are most tube amps and vinyl rigs.

You should put Musical Fidelity KW500 or the newer KW550 integrated amps on your list. Both amps have all the characteristics that you are looking for -- smooth, full / robust, and easy- on-the-ears sound.

I have personally owned a Mac 6900, but traded up to a newer design MC 207. NO autoformer! the sound is much more open .In fact I also have a mac 6300
in my kitchen and it to sounds better than the 6900. In my bedroom I have a Kav 400,less room lighting {no meters}. The newly designed 6300 has less power and no eq etc. making it affordable.The krell 400 and mac 6300 are very close . Krell a bit brighter, Mac a little warmer .Both amps power small Boston E series with Rel subs. However, in my living room, Sonus Faber Auditors with Mac pre amp and the MC 207 is superior. You should go with a newer design. Please note that the new MAC runs very cool, while the Krell being class A gets quite warm. This may be something to consider. DWALKER46