Class D amp driving Thiel

I was honing in on a 2 channel system and had seriously narrowed down the contenders until last Saturday. After not being impressed with a pair of B&W CM7's I was encouraged to listen to a set of Thiel 1.6.

It was amazing. Driven by a Bryston amplifier they had detail and precision with beautiful tonality. Yes, they did lack bass under 50 hz. But completely different and world's better than the Thiel's I owned and powered with tubes years ago. So now I have to rethink things. I have only a small shelf for the SB3 and amplifier and can't fit (or afford) anything above 30 lbs or 5 inches tall.

Maybe a second hand Krell 400xi would work but Krell's rap is that they can be bright and fatiguing. And I can't do anything bigger or costlier. While the Naim forum has good reports of Thiel's being driven by even a Nait 5i I am a little cautious based on my previous experience. As I learned the hard way you have to muscle up on Thiel's or they sound bright and nasty.

So, the thought of a class D amp came to mind. Small, light, and powerful. Though I haven't even heard one before (hard to find them in Chicago, believe it or not) my interest is piqued. But would it be up to driving the load I am contemplating without getting bright or harsh? Any thoughts but more importantly experiences are appreciated.
I'm using Rowland 201's to drive my 3.6's, and I'm very happy with the combination.
Vicdamone, the Thiel reps said it in just such a context, as a gross generalization, that should be taken in that context, with the obvious exceptions that may or may not exist, in other words, so far as they have heard. Mind you I'm very optomistic about this technology. I suspect great things on the horizon, if it hasn't already happend. IMHO, the TacT approach appears to the most promising. I agree with Denjo's suggestion, try it for yourself.
My Thiel 1.6's arrive Friday and one of the two amps I'll be experimenting with over the weekend is NuForce IA7-E (the 100 watt version). I am very optimistic as the latest version of this imtegrated is extremely clean and clear sounding, with some of the nicest and least harsh treble extension I've ever heard out of any amp, tube or solid state. I use a REL Strata III for the foundatation.
As long as Class D amps cannot make an accurate looking 10 kHz squarewave, one will not find a place in my listening environment. There are some things that an amp has to be able to do on a test bench accurately or it will never get timbre and harmonic content right, no matter how much tizz and boom it creates for its size and weight.