Preamp output voltage...affect on volume???

I am in the middle of auditioning a new preamp which outputs 50 vrms max. My current preamp outputs 20vrms max. Assuming they are both pretty close in terms of gain and have the same number of volume steps (100 @ 0.5db each), does that mean the preamp with the 50vrms output will cause my sysem to sound louder than the 20vrms preamp (all else constant)? If so, how much louder?

thank you...
herman, I currently have the Classe CP-700 pre. The other pre I am auditioning is the new BAT VK-52se.
I checked their web sites but can't find any specs for gain on either of the preamps.
herman, i was told by BAT that the max gain is 17db. I am going to check the gain for the classe today...i will report back.
It does sound like they have different gain. If you can't find the gain, you can also use the input sensitivity voltage to get your answer.

I seem to recall you can change the gain in the new Classe Delta preamps. I remember my old CP50 had this feature. It is a very practical feature to get the most resolution out of your volume control.

In addition to the output voltages being different (the headroom is there to keep distortion down at the levels you *do* play BTW) the preamps also have different *gain*. The two are not the same, although it sounds like the unit with the higher voltage also has more gain.