Gryphon Antileon vs Antileon Signature

I would like to know if the new Signature version of the Antileon is really better (sound quality) thant the previous one. How are there comparing ?
It's easy to find an used Antileon for a fair price, but Signature ones are a lot more expensive (because they are newer).
And do those amplifiers have a good fiability ? A 7 or 8 years old amp is a good choice or the risk of technical problem is very high (I know they are gettong very hot, so it stresses the electronics components a lot) ?
Thanks for your advices.
I have no experience with the older Antileon but I do have the Signature version. My opinion may be biased but the Signature is certainly one of the best amps available at any price. The only drawbacks are the heat it produces and of course, the weight.
I have a normal Antileon (2nd generation). How different the sound of the Signature depends very much of your speakers. Main advantage is the power (150W) vs the 100W of the Antileon. Same type of sound.
The sound is the same ?
If the only difference is power, the older is OK for me !
What are the diffrences between first and second gen. of Antileon (I didn't even know that 2 subversions exist!) ?
When appeared the second version ? 1999, 2000 or another year ?
Thanks for your help,
My amp is 3 years old and it is a great match with my Extrema loudspeakers. Some may complain about a slight brightness with this combination but I believe the it could be due to two reasons: (1) the amp is not sufficiently warmed up (for me about an hour is sufficient) and (2) the recording may be inherently bright.
For most purposes, I believe the older Antileon should be good enough.