Belles 150A Reference in Mono???

Looking for feedback on running a pair of Belles 150A Reference amps in mono for my Thiel 3.6's. I've heard that when an amp is run in mono mode, it is actually less accurate because the wave signal is being split between two channels, thus causing degradation of the siganl. Any thoughts? Thanks Troy
On the bass response of each, as a stereo amp; Truly it isn't even close.---Then guess what?-- the rest of the spectrum is ALSO that much better. The 350a Ref is much quieter. I was never aware my 150Ref was noisy;when you compare the 2 it is one of the first things you notice. The treble brought out the Sophia's(2's) potential. This amp just does everything on a finer scale. The bass becomes the cornerstone of the music,clean and powerful.I seriously doubt 2 150's would have bass as clean and powerful.---Sure 2 150's may well have more bass than a single 150---BUT, amplifying X's2 doesn't improve the quality; only the quantity.----Oh yes, the improvement in the midrange matches the treble and the bass.Soundstage and depth of image---on the same improved level which is easily twice that of the 150. Everything is better, this is the whole package at a giant-killer price---used of course. Remember guys, this ain't a 6moons guy. This is from a guy whom ran the 150aRef for a year and then aquired a 350aRef.BTW, I also ran this 150 on Merlin MM's and sold them 'cause I didn't have enough bass---Well now I understand and it's called live and learn.

I own the 150 Ref A, running into Sonic Euphoria Pre and Merlins, and this is not to discount your observations but my experience is quite a bit different then yours. I find the bass incredibly well defined and controlled and there is absolutely no noise whatsoever. I've compared the Ref A directly to several very well thought of amps that run in the 3-5K range and they have always done incredibly well. Reviews of the Ref 150 have been glowing as well, one reviewer wondering whether it wasn't the best SS amp.

Since you held on to the 150 for a year and then bought another Belles, you must have liked something about the Belles for quite a while...just wondering whether it's possible there was a glitch in the 150, particularly because of the comment about noise, which I've never experienced.

The enshrined Belles 350A Reference, brand new, for no reason whatsoever connection wise or other, emitted a DC surge into my speakers, frying every driver and burning resistors and exploding capacitors in the crossovers. I have never seen glue melt on woofers before and neither has anyone I spoke to. Needless to say, I was given a refund. However, three emails to the designer, asking what was wrong with the amp were ignored and never answered. Not a product I would touch with a ten foot pole.
I think it's about time we got into some Belles chat;pro or con--it's all good.
Why I used the 150 for a year???( I also had the hot-rod 150 before the ref,version.)--- (I think each amp is killer in its price point.) I was busy paying off my Sophias;first the originals and then the 2's.I had the originals and then traded them and got the 2's--so I lived with both,just not at the same time.
Whether we're talking amp or speakers,esp. ones we own,it's natural to compare said item to the item it replaced.------When I refer to "noise" from the 150,believe me I NEVER heard any,it's just when you use the 350 you can't help but notice---it is quieter;in my system.---On to bass with each amp--and with Merlin vs. Sophia.------Just replacing the speakers with no other changes;using the exact same everthing--and placing them in near the same place---much more low/mid drive from the Sophia. I can tell you I get that much more bass ,150 vs. 350.---BTW---My 2's got here and a forklift went thru the wood crate so I had 2 months between 1&2's.(The Soph.1's were already gone) My hearing is such that If I make no changes to anything else,I can tell pretty well whatever differences there are between the new piece and the old. It took me months to appreciate the 2's better treble.---The 350 just got plunked down where the 150 had been (and no 2 months between each).----I had emailed David and received no reply as well;in the past. On getting an exploding amp I guess it would sour anyone,to bad. Nobody or nothing is perfect. The seller of the 350 says he bought Lamm,can't remember which model but at 4X's the price(new)I can assume it's also a much better amp/s.---How I got turned to Belles? The guy I bought my Merlins from was using the hot-rod,so I got one,too. While I loved each amp, moving up their line I found you get more with each step. I think the step to the 350 is just a bit more than the other steps were. So I guess changes are all subjective. The main purpose of my post was to write my opinions of going 150 to 350/ not to bash the 150;but that is how the chips fall--there are huge differences.
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