Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Wow ,where do I was so long ago i'm sure i I am missing one or two but here goes.
Webcor all in one
Philco console (with a bar set up instead of TV)
Nikko receiver
Marantz 2230
Phase Linear 400
Hafler 400
PSE ???
Mark Levinson 50 watt
Spectral 50 watt
ARC 115 or was it a 125
Mark Levinson 335
deHaviland Aries 845G This is the KEEPER
Lets see starting back some 30 years ago...
1978 - Radio Shack Realistic Receiver
1982 - Yamaha Integrated Amp (served me well during college)
1985 - NAD Receiver
1988 - Bryston 4D Power Amp (still in my closet)
2000 - Musical Fidelity A300 CR Dual Mono (just a killer amp)
2004 - Arcam AV300 Receiver (Home Theater)
2007 - McIntosh MC275 x 2 (loving tubes)
2008 - maybe AR Reference 110?
1976- Pioneer POC Receiver
1983- NAD Integrated Model Whatever
1988- Naim Nait 2
1989- Linn LK 280/Spark (tweetie-spark)
1990- Linn Klout
1992- Linn Klout x 3 via active crossover
2003- Pathos Logos
2007- Eastern Electric 520 with NOS tubes (now in office)
2007- Fisher 400X receiver - (also in office)
2007- Consonance Audio M800
2007- Hammond Organ Chassis 45 tube custom made
2007- Western Electric Gotham Model 39 monoblocks
2008- perhaps something driven by 76 triodes
2009- Wavac SH-833 (I am saving by pennies)
It's interesting to see how many of us got into audio around the same time! My evolution... (the dates are my best guess).

1977 - Poineer SX-650 reciever
1980 - JVC reciever (don't recall the model ~35Wpc)
1981 - Yamaha integrated
1982 - NAD 3020 integrated
1982 - Hafler DH200 (this was a kit)
1984 - Musical Fidelity integrated (sweet little class A)
1990 - Acurus DIA 100 integrated - still own
2004 - McCormack DNA 0.5 - still own
2006 - Conrad Johnson Premier 11A - still own
2007 - BAT VK-60 - still own
2008 - ???
I don't think I can remember them all but I remember my very first acquisitions quite well:
1973 - Pioneer 25-watt receiver.
1976 - Pioneer 50-watt receiver.
1978 - Yamaha M4 and C4 separates.
Law School 1981-84 - went back to Pioneer 25-watt receiver.
1984 - Kyocera receiver to match new Kyocera CD player.
Later in the 80's - Rotel amp and preamp, followed by British Fidelity A-370 amp and MVP preamp, then ARC D-300, followed by Goldmund Mimesis 29 and Ayre V3, finally replaced circa 1999 by my current ARC VT-100 Mk III which is a keeper.