Preamp with lots of outputs?

What some recommendations for great preamps with LOTS of outputs. The more the better.

You might want to mention the small detail that you were looking to use that many recording devices, all of which are sources as well (other than the equalizer). You had the ample opportunity to do so, but instead posted a rather abrasive retort in all-caps, as a response to what were simply helpful suggestions. You are just getting back what you put out, Your Highness.

Folks in an audiophile forum aren't likely to make the leap that you are wanting to plug in that many recording devices into a system without benefit of a tape-monitor loop. You might also want to pose the same question in a Home-theatre forum, and or a Pro-Audio forum. A possible solution might be to get a Line-Level splitter from a Pro-Audio supplier, such as those made by Behringer. The only further hurdle you may face, as you may already know if your equalizer is a pro-audio rig, is that the outlets are most likely balanced or 1/4" headphone plug size. Either can be adapted to RCA, but you would need the appropriate adapters. Beyond that, it seems like you've got a few good answers from folks already (ARC, McIntosh and various customizers - Dan Wright may modify his fine 9.0SE preamp to your specs at a reasonable cost).

You may get much more from these, and any other online forums, by spelling out as much information as you can right from the start. Besides omitting the obvious detail of using the outputs for recording devices, you might want to put a price range on your "great preamp", and add any preferences that you might have (tube or SS, what is the rest of your system - amp would be a pretty critical link here - the kind of music you listen to...all these details are somewhat helpful in recommending a component to fit into your system). And lay off that caps-lock key...people tend to take that as your yelling at them, and I suspect you are using to exactly that end.

Good luck with your pursuit.


If it makes everyone feel better, I will take responsibilty. I admit I asked a question. But I don't admit answering a question with a question because I never answered the question.
I felt compelled to chime in here. From what I read, it seems that the initial post started by Tripper further exacerbated by the humor in Jax2's posting had caused a whole lot of mess here. Looks like Doug really needs some outputs! Chill out guys. Oh and by the way, asking a question to a question is not a big deal at all in order for someone to fully understand the question that may or may not be clear. Hence Rwwear you need not take responsibility.