What sounds best integrated or separates?

I have always owned integrated amp, especially tube type. Since I am still learning about audiophile systems what REALLY sound best and gives you the best in regards to musical involvement musicality tonal balance etc?

Thanks in advance!
Mapman, I think your speakers simply need SS. The only amps that might be able to handle them might be something from CAT (JL2,JL3 Monos)as they do work well into falling impedances. In fact my Music Reference RM9 Special Edition also increase power into dropping impedances, but I think the difficulty for even these tube amps is the phase shifts in impedance - tube thrive on smooth, flat impedances, high or low. I could be wrong, but I doubt tubes will ever work as well with your speakers as a good SS amp. In SS, Pass is the best I have heard.
"Mapman, I think your speakers simply need SS."

That is my conclusion at this point as well.

How about a hybrid amp design like Moscode but in an integrated? Anything out there like that?
There are many hybrid integrated amps. Blue Circle, Unison Research, Pathos, and Musical Fidelity are a few manufacturers who offer them. Moscode also has a hybrid integrated slated for release, but I've yet to see it offered for sale.

A lot of truth in what you say.

I am an amateur photographer and my 12 year old son can take pictures on his new $300 Panasonic Digital camera (an amazingly functional gadget I must say) in auto mode that are as good as or better than many I've taken in the past on a very good Nikon FE film camera with high quality specialized lenses, filters, etc. I now borrow his Panasonic whenever I can.
I've kind of coveted Blue Circle amps to some extent. Didn't realize they were hybrid.

Read one review that indicated a Blue Circle amp took the reviewer's large Ohms to a whole new level, and he was using some pretty good amplification prior.

Pricey stuff but I need to check into it some more for sure.

I've also considered a Musical Fidelity like the Tri Vista or equivalent in that I have been very happy with my MF amp.

I am very strongly considering going integrated on my next amplification upgrade.

Didn't realize Pass made integrateds. Will look into that also.

Rowland or Bel Canto Class D gear is an attractive option as well. Does BEl Canto make integrateds? Are they in the same league as the other big boy integrateds?