Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
I'd like to say a few words about my latest amp, as it is somewhat off the beaten path. This summer I picked up a vintage GAS Son of Ampzilla. Part of the decision to go with this unit was that Mike Bettinger, who runs GAS Audio, is located nearby. Without going into all the details, not only was it completely reworked but I also opted for the J-FET upgrade.

Funny how this is the newest amp I have yet may be the oldest separate I've owned-depending on year of manufacture.
HK 435
Outlaw rr2150
Behringer ep4000s monos
Bryston 2b
Naim nait ii
Luxman 505u
Musical fidlity a5
Cary sli80 sig
Ayre ax7e
Exposure 2010s2
Octave v40se
Classe ca2300

So far my favorites are the outlaw, behringer, mac, exposure and mac. But i liked them all except the mf.
My first amp was an integrated, Sansui AU9900

Then I added a Carver M1.5t

Followed by a pair of B&K M200 Sonata

Changed my speakers and subsequently changed the amp out to a VTL Stereo 50/50... Great sounding amp when it worked. Picked up a B&K 2140 as a back up.

Bought an Anthem Amp 1, one of my favorite amps ever, wish I didn't sell it. Changed speakers again.... needed more power.

I put the 2140 back in the system for a while and bought a brand new McCormack DNA 125 a few years ago that I still use.

It's a great amp, I think it would cost considerably more to better it than I'm willing to spend right now.

I think my next amp is going to be a Conrad Johnson Classic 60......
Updating further. After 10 years with the Lamms, when I moved to a new home with a much smaller listening room I decided to downsize (principally in the number of pieces) my system. I sold the Lamms and replaced them with a single stereo amp, the VAC Phi 200. Still keeps me nice and toasty on cold days, but now there's only one 90-pound amp to lug around instead of two of them. And there is no drop-off at all in the quality of sound; a truly wonderful amplifier that serves the music well.
(60s) Minerva receiver
(70s) Marantz 2245
(70s) Mac 1900
(80s) Acoustat TNT 120/TNP pre
(80s) Acoustat TNT 200/TNP pre
(90s) Classe 70/30 pre
(90s) Classe CA200/CP60 pre
added 2nd Classe CA200 biamped
(00s) Rowland Concentra I (simplifying)
(now) Rowland Concentra II
added Rowland 201s biamped (done with simplifying)
(now) Music Reference 200/Rogue 90 Magnum (2nd system)