Nuforce v2: has anyone tried them

The new version of the Nuforce should have hit the shops a few weeks ago.
Has anyone heard them or upgrated their existing units.
I would be particoularly interested in comparisons within the range of the new v2: 9SE compared to 9 or to 8.
I am going to audition a 9SE v2 in a couple of days, but won't be able to try the others

I guess the SEV2's are great!........however is it better to really wait until I have the money for the SE V2's or can I get the v2's pair them with a good tube premp and still have lots of fun and still (enjoy the music)?

Thank you!

Could you recommend some preamplifiers (tube} that have a great synergy to the Nuforces?

I vote for the Modwright SWL 9.0SE pre...reasonably priced and the cost of tubes (Sylvania GB 5687 my favorite) won't break the bank. I've run that with my Nuforce 9SEs...guessing the V2s would have the same synergy. Don't leave the ICs out of the mix either. My favorite pairing has been with the Acoustic Zen Ref Matrix IIs.