Best interconnect for Spectral amp, RCA or XLR??

Hi guys,

What is the best way of connecting Spectral pre and power together? RCA or XLR? Has anyone ever tried A-B test between these 2 choices of connection? Many people told me Spectral sounds their best with RCA interconnect (must it be MIT cables?). Is this true?

I've just bought a used DMC20 series ii together with a pair of DMA360s last 2 weeks and connected them with Transparent Ultra XLR interconnect. My speaker is Avalon Eidolon and the speaker cable is Transparent Reference. Any recommendation?


It has been quite a few years since I had my all Spectral/MIT system, but I found an XLR interconnect b/t preamp and power amp(s) to be a significant upgrade over SE IC's. I had the identical preamp you are using with an older DMA-200 power amp.
I'd go with Transaparent before MIT which I used to sell.Many models have those blocks and what they did was roll for the frequency exrtremes.To the un-initated this sounds "better" because you have "more" but in fact they have less information.Don't thik this the way to go.Otherwise I wouldn't bew mulliing over selling my CVT interconnects that sit inmcloset.Plus I have problems with end caps breaking and given the price of MIT that should not happen.