What do the different tube amp types mean?

Can someone please explain in simple terms what the different Tube amps do and soundlike? ALso, what makes a Tube different from another? >> SET, PushPull, Triode, Pentode, Ultralinear, Class A, etc;
Think of it as characteristic trade offs and compromises. Also, you're confusing Tube characteristics (triode, pentode, etc.) and amplification toplogies.

I hope this makes sense in the context of REAL information you hopefully get here soon.

Way too much to ask from a single reply. (Remember Google is your friend.) But here is a very quick & dirty response.

SET = single ended triode. A tube amp with only one output tube per channel that handles both the + and - sides of the waveform. Tend to be lower power but highly beloved by their followers.

Push-Pull = has two output tubes per channel. One tube handles the + side of the waveform and the other handles the - side. Easy to get more power from than an SET.

Triode = the simplest amplification tube type. The cathode (filiment/heater) emits electrons to be picked up by the plate. A grid in the middle regulates the flow. The 3 elements = triode.

Pentode = five elements. A cathode, plate and 3 grids. Gives better control of the tube for certain conditions.

Ultralinear = a push-pull tube circuit that helps reduce certain types of distortion.

Class A = a bit tough to describe simply, but the output circuit is always on. They are very linear but waste a lot of power so the design tends to be used for lower wattage amps. SET amps are Class A operation.
As far as sound goes, triodes sound the best but make the least power. Class A also sounds the best, but makes the most heat.

Ultra-linear is an attempt to get a pair of pentodes to behave a little more like triodes, without sacrificing too much power- a compromise. If done right, it can be fairly successful, although no ultra-linear sounds like a triode amp.

SETs make less power than push-pull. They also sacrifice bandwidth, in return get *extremely* low distortion at low power levels. Most push-pull designs have an audible *increase* in distortion at low power levels. Low power levels is where detail resides- SETs can be a lot more detailed. Their qualities can only be tapped by high efficiency speakers however (those who say otherwise have yet to hear what their amp is capable of....).

All of the above types of amps use output transformers. The output transformer can be bypassed with audibly and measureably increased performance including low level detail and extreme bandwidth. The sacrifice is the ability to drive low impedance loads, although bigger Output TransformerLess (OTL) amplifiers can drive some surprisingly low impedances! OTLs can be triode, tetrode or pentode and they can be class A to class B and anything in between.

Execution is important and can shoot down the best concept, or support the operation of the worst. All amplifiers are sensitive to load, so you always have to be careful. In general, all tube amps perform better on speakers that are 8 ohms or more, as opposed to 4 ohms, all other things being equal. But in the end you will probably have to compare different types of amps that you can afford to find what works for you and your speakers. Have fun! and keep asking questions.