Shindo and synergistic components

I know many Shindo enthusiasts are in for the whole system - pre/amp/speakers. But for those with just a preamp from Shindo, what amps are you using with it? I'm particularly interested in higher power amplifiers (ie 60wpc +).

Or if there are owners of the Shindo Sinhonias (40wpc I think) - what speakers are you using?

I'm considering their pre amps, but their power amps may be a touch short of the power I'd like to have, so I'm exploring synergistic high power amp matches with the Shindos. The preamps being considered are the Monbrison or the Masseto.

Hatari, San Francisco is home to a dealer who represents both Verity and Shindo. Contact Matt at Pitch Perfect Audio. While you've already received some excellent suggestions in this thread, I am sure Matt's experience will really help you determine the best fit for the Verity's.

Plus, I think he'll be receiving the Corton Charlemagne 80 mono blocks some time soon (he may already have them).
Timothy: where did you try the CJ LP70 with Shindo... which pre was used? Very interesting combo. The LP70 is roughly same power as the Corton Charlemagne 80, at half the price point. A very interesting, but risky, proposition (in that I can't hear it unless I've bought it).

Bwhite: I"m in touch with Matt, but can't go down there in the near future unfortunately.

It is the Corton Charlemagne that are under consideration for the Verity. There are three dealers carrying Shindo and Verity in the US it seems.
CSA Audio in Montclair, NJ. The combo was a Giscours/LP70 I believe with Wilsons. So, CSA has some interesting combinations and then across the river in the city is In Living Stereo where you can hear all Shindo with Verity.
hey hatari... i agree with you that the parsifals really open up and sound much much better w/ more power. i had 42w/ch and the sound was just too flat. it sounded gorgeous, but didn't have that energy and pop. the canary 160s in triode provide plenty of pop, energy, excitement along w/ that magic. i owned a cj prem 140, and thought it was really an average sounding amp. i sort of have written off cj gear as just not for me. to dry, recessed midrange, which i think wouldn't sound so great w/ the parsifals, which already tend to sound laid back to me. i personally think you want an amp w/ a pronounced, front row presentation vs. the full landscape...
Timothy -

I am thnking about the Haut Brion although I am quite satisfied with my Quicksilver Triodes. What is the sonic character of the Haut Brion? And did you try out any other speaker cable (i.e. Kubala Sosna)?