VTL MB-450 with Maggies

I would like to ask if anyone has compared the VTL MB-450 with a comparable ARC amp on Magnepans (3.6/R´s)?
I hear that VTL is releasing new series II versions of the MB-450 with the new "smart-tube" technology.
Good thread. I look forward to the responses. I just bought a pair of 3.6R's that I'm currently using with Electrocompaniet Nemo Monoblocks, which are 1200 watts into 4 ohms. I have an interest in VTL and Audio Research tube amps and wonder what the good people of Audiogon might have to say about using them in conjunction with Maggies.
Hasse, it doesn't look like you're getting an overwhelming number of replies to your specific question. I can't address the two amps you specifically mention, but I can expand your field of consideration if you're not completely set on one or the other of these amps. Maybe this will jump start some comments from others who've heard the amps you're asking about.

The best sound I've heard from Magneplanar 3.6 speakers has been with the Wolcott P220 amps, with a further improvement when matched to the much more expensive Atma-Sphere MA-2 MkIII OTL amps. Both of these tube amps deliver 220 watts and both were able to drive the Maggies to a higher output than I'm comfortable ever listening to in Slipknot1's 24x16x9' listening room. (Slipknot has since changed speakers after his 20 year devotion to Maggies.) On the Maggies, deep bass was fully present with both amps, with the Atma-Spheres having somewhat greater extension and definition. There was never an issue of not having enough power to fully drive the Maggies, and the dynamics, resolution, timbre and overall natural presentation of the music was better than I've ever heard on the 3.6s.
The new 450s are fabulous. Several reports of people who have listened to the VTL in the LA High End show commented very favorably. As far as compatability w. Maggies, all I can say is I used to own VTL 100s w. Martin Logan CLSs years ago. That was a touch of heaven except the CLS panels needed replacment. If I could have used the VTL 225s back then it would have been perfect.

The 450s have a lot of power for most anything. The room size is important and your prefered volume levels. For me the VTL house sound is dynamic & musical. Not hyper detailed and not bright. Just musical. There is a lot of great product out there. Ultimately it comes down to preference and cosmetics and price.