I've Fallen in Love With My Mistress

For sure I thought I was a loyal die-hard 2-channel guy. In my mind I was kind of smug, thinking that a 2-channel devotee was more serious about hi-fi than those home theater guys, and I could never be one of "them"....they just didn't seem to be purists like the 2-channel guys. But it seems I've been smitten by another pretty girl, a mistress....and her name is home theater. Maybe it's just an infatuation, but I'm loving it. Amazingly, I once viewed high end audio stores that started catering primarily to home theater enthusiasts as "sellouts". Now I understand. Over the past few years I've seen guys selling their equipment here saying that they're moving to home theater....and I thought that they must have been crazy.

I am spending much more time doing home theater now than 2-channel. The time I have to spend for home entertainment is not very much and HT is crowding out music listening. With Netflix providing so many movies, I can't seem to get enough. I have been trying to catch up on movies that I haven't seen over the years and I'm having a blast enjoying them. Watching movies doesn't leave a lot of time for 2-channel critical listening. I listen to my 2nd system during the day (mainly the tuner tuned to the local jazz station) while I work as background music (I work at home)and I barely listen to my main 2-channel rig at all any more. It has been months since I've plunked down in my listening chair and let the music take me away.

I have no plans to unload my 2-channel stuff, but I do feel kinda weird walking past my vinyl and cd's that has been my main source of home entertainment for decades. I feel like I'm cheating on someone that has been good to me.
Sounds like some of you are telling me my mistress is young and pretty, has a nice body and voice, but only intermitently intellectually stimulating. Whereas my older longtime love never failed me and actually did get better with age.

Well, I'm 54 years old, and in male humans....we have been known to stray around that age...often times with no real logic. But hey, the mistress is looking pretty good right now and I'll deal with reality later. Besides, the number of available suitors for my longtime love are dwindling....I think she'll take me back.

John, I'll petition the Approved Audiophile Assn to make an exception and allow me to keep my card on a probationary basis. I'll ask them to review my status in 6 months.
Your new mistress will be great....at least until you get that burning sensation. In the ears, of course, what did you think that I meant? Get your mind out of the gutter!
Why do you feel movies supplant music? They are different things for different times. No worry.

Yeah splitting time is tough, but don't get ahead of yourself:-)

Movies are fun and take actually less thought most of the time vs engaging 2 channel... Most of the imagination is made up for you.

But anyway I found myself in this situation about 3 years ago and finally figured out in the end selling all my costly HT stuff going to just fun more compact HT stuff was as much of a thrill and felt better to having much less investment in it, but then I ended up spending more on the 2 channel and figured out nothing can replace the 2 channel hobby and quality. Although in todays atmosphere it is far easier to get really great quality HT for pretty cheap as long as you know what to buy, cause now you can get basically the best picture available with a 200 dollar DVD player, and about 3000 invested in a projector and screen, with about a 2000 dollars worth of used surround equipment and speakers.