Input voltage gain on levinson amps ?

Could anyone tell me what the input voltage gain is on levinson amps models 29 and 20.6.
Thank you
Well Arthur you have certainly gone to a lot of trouble for my benifit,and I thank you most sincerely for the information.
Dear Alwyn: As important as is the input sensitivity and voltage gain there is ( at least 9 one critical subject that your friend has to take in count: both amplifiers sound diferent, its quality performance is diferent and not closer each other, so your friend could experiment a sound that is far from be : natural well tone balanced. The 20.6s ( that I own ) are in a diferent audio league than the 29 ( that I know very well ).

Now, like Arthur say: he can try it anyway.

regards and enjoy the music.
I would just add a little footnote to all your kind comments in reply to my question,and its this.I live in the uk.and yet if ever I need help and advise in the hi-fi field I come to Audiogon in the us. to get it,this forum has brains and is always friendly,totaly different to what I find over here.
One agai thank you