Replacement tubes for 5687

Any recommendations for this tube? I'm using it in the ModWright preamp.
Sylvania GB-5687 Gold Brand. Tough to find. Prices are rising. It's the best I've heard in the Modwright preamp and digital player mods.
Check out this thread here on Audiogon: MODWRIGHT SWL9.0 SE TUBE ROLLING. I too have this pre and, in general, the experience and advice was/is spot on.
Hi all
Thanks for the link. If I were to summarise that thread, it would be something like:

Philips JAN 5687: stock.
TungSol 5687: better than stock(?) but dry/lean.
GE JAN 7044: good mids, less grain and less bass impact.
Sylvania GB 5687: tube sound, laid back, sweet highs.
Philips 7119/E182CC: good inner detail, laid back, full mids.
Bendix 6900: ultimate 5687, but too expensive and no one's heard it(?).

Actually the thing I like about the ModWright is that its very transparent and true to the music. In fact I feel it has a very slight midrange sweetness, bass impact and dynamics are great. I've already rolled the rectifier tube to a Mullard GZ30 (brown base) - subjectively slightly sweeter, but the stock Sovtek is good as it is. I'm powering it through the PS Audio P300 which levels the playing field, but is very hot and almost reaches its 300watt limit with everything switched on.

Has anyone tried to listen to the ModWright leaving the screws for the top cover out? This may sound crazy, but I thought it "opened" up the sound.
IMO, the Sylvania GB-5687 are not laid back, but rather have a sweeter top end than the TungSol 5687, which I find annoyingly bright and etched. The Bendix tubes are also supposed to sound quite extended.

Much of the tube choice has to do with the sonic characteristics of your system. There is not one right tube for every system...

If you really want to go crazy, use a Purist Audio Dominus Ferrox power cord on the power supply. Whoa! Significant improvement in bass control and definition.