Replacement tubes for 5687

Any recommendations for this tube? I'm using it in the ModWright preamp.
IMO, the Sylvania GB-5687 are not laid back, but rather have a sweeter top end than the TungSol 5687, which I find annoyingly bright and etched. The Bendix tubes are also supposed to sound quite extended.

Much of the tube choice has to do with the sonic characteristics of your system. There is not one right tube for every system...

If you really want to go crazy, use a Purist Audio Dominus Ferrox power cord on the power supply. Whoa! Significant improvement in bass control and definition.
If you are going to audition a 7119 then an Amperex (made in Holland) would be the tube to get. I would not characterize the sound as "laid back." However, it is not as aggressive or forward as the Tung-Sol 5687.
I would recommend that you purchase a fist full of the various tubes mentioned and let your ears/taste choose.
I completely agree with Tvad.
Don't choose your tubes base on some one's recomendaciones but base on your needs. Tube "A" may work for Joe Blow but in your system tube "B" could be the one you need.
Evaluate your setup first and then go in direction you feel will benefit your system the most.
(some tubes have speed, some are sweeter then the others, some have wonderful soundstage, same are laid back etc. pick the one that will address your needs).

Happy listening.
Thanks for the inputs. I'm curious as to would you all consider all these alternatives as definite upgrades against the stock Philips, or just "alternative points of view"?

Why do you prefer the Holland Amperex over the Philips 7119? Aren't they the same tube from Holland (Philips) just rebadged?

I'll be having my fair share of fun with powercords - already have an Audio Magic Illusion 4D (pure silver) on order. It'll be interesting to hear how it sounds.
If you can't decide, call this guy, his name is Andy and he is owner of - I have his number if you would like to call him. The only place I would get my tubes from. He is very trusted and has knowledge that few others can match. Describe your system, your music preferences and desire effect you are trying to achieve with your new replacement tubes. I am sure he will be able to help you. Service is first class, tubes are tested, match and broken in for a few hours so they are ready to be enjoy out of the box. You may wait for your tubes a little longer then usual but it is well worth it.
I purchase NOS 6922 Amperex from early 1970's & Tung-Sol 5687 from 1968 - I'm very satisfied from my purchase.
Number- 616 454 3467