Stupidgood: Ars Sonum

There are lots of "terms of art" used by audiophools to describe sound and equipment. I propose a new one - stupidgood - a piece of equipment that blows you away, as good as it gets (more or less), and the price or the looks of it makes you incredulous as to how good the equipment is. Of course, I did not come with the term; that would by Bobby P. (Mr. von Merlin) describing the Ars Sonum integrated amplifier. I've had separates from ARC, Joule, LAMM, and CAT, and I can tell you, the Ars Sonum is stupidgood driving Merlin VSM-MXes, which can driven very easily be this little 30 watt gem.
"I've stopped agonizing..." That very much describes how I'm feeling. I won't say the Ars is better than the Joule/CAT, and that pairing will certainly be better for a broader array of speaker options, but I'm just as happy listening to the Ars Sonum with the Merlins as with them and that is close enough for me. I've stopped agonizing about speakers when I bought the Merlins (Merlin owners will knowwhat I mean), I think of the Ars Sonum in much the same way. No thinking about the pre/amp combo, the interconnect, or power cord for that matter. And when the unit is fully broken in I'll roll some NOS in the 6922 slot (I think this is the only tube that makes sense playing with on this unit) and we are talking one [1] tube to play with - makes it affordable to try an Amperex,Mullard,Siemens, and Mullard - and no worrying about matching pairs. No matter how bad you feel waiting for this gem to be made for you - you'll think it all worthwhile once you have it - at least with the Merlins.
It was nice to see it listed in S'phile as Class "A" which includes a $26k+ competitor.
The need is gone. And the CAT is too good, and too big to be ignored. The Joule is staying though as I try some SS amps - just got the Pass Aleph J.
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