PHONO-Hagerman's Cornet or Wright Sound WPP200C

I'm looking for advice, recommendations and fellow audiogoners with experience with above mentioned phono preamps.

I'm about to put my hands on LENCO 75 NOS and if everything goes well I will receive it in a week or two.

I'm planing to build my own plinth, replace original arm with MG-1 linear arm, and Denon 103R cartridge. Plinth will be probably made with combination of birch ply. and MDF ( it is going to be a massive and heavy plinth finish with high gloss - Ferrari Red paint ). As you can probably see, I can not wait to start this project.

One problem.
I was searching web and reading a lots of threads in order to find the right phono-stage. Now it is a toss up between Hagerman's - Cornet and Wright Sound - WPP200C.

Witch one of these do you think will be my best choice?
IMO, the WPP200C is a classic. Great dynamics. Great tone. Extremely flexible.

Also, the Wright products are hand made by one of high end audio's true gentlemen, and they tend to retain their value.

I admit I have no experience with the Hagerman products, but I am aware they have a strong following among the AudioCircle crowd.
Tvad, you are obviously more experienced then I am and most likely auditioned a number of different phono preamplifiers. I am not saying that I am completely inexperience but I think the best way to audition equipment is in your own listening room. I simply did not have that chance. So I would like to ask you if you have any other recommendations besides the ones I already mention. WPP200C & Hagerman are my only candidates at this moment but it doesn't eliminate possibility of including other phonostages to that list.
I am trying to be open minded, so any other suggestions will be also greatly appreciated.
I have just heard Wright Sound WPP200C and it sounds astonishing. Superb build quality. You were correct Mr.Wright is a gentlemen. Also first class service.
In an attempt to simplify my system (too many single small pieces standing around), I am trying out the JLTI phono (made by ALLAN Wright) at twice the price. On first listen it is very close to the (George) Wright WPP200c in terms of texture and detail retrieval, but more extension on the bottom end. Spatial imaging and separation between instruments is enhanced as well. More on the comparison soon.

The Wright WPP200C is excellent - make sure to get a good step-up if using MC cartridges, such as Lundahl or Cinemag.