Amp for some new Gallos

I am looking for an amp to go with my new Gallo Refs (3.1). I have the Gallo amp and a C-J CT6 preamp. Leaning towards tubes. Thoughts?
With my Ref 3s, I'm using custom-made SET monoblocks with 845 output tubes that effortlessly fill an 18x40' space. Not a specifically viable alternative for you, the only point being that you CAN use low-powered tube amps with these and they sound fantastic. My amps put out only 12 wpc, the designer/builder sez, but you sure wouldn't know it. Good luck, Dave

PS If your speakers are really new, you're in for a hundred-hour break-in during which they sound borderline awful. It's only temporary, but you'll think they're damaged or defective. They're not.
With my Ref 3s, I'm using a BAT VK-60 (and the Gallo sub). I agree with the prior post with regard to power requirement of the Ref 3s. The VK-60 is 60 wpc and is more than adequate. I am using the 4 - 6 ohm taps. Rumor has it that the Manley Snappers are also a good match for the Ref 3, but I have not heard this combination. The Snappers are optimized for a 5 ohm load. I suspect that the Ref 3s are actually closer to that than to 8 ohm.
I would like to point out that according to the manual; these speakers need to be broken in with some power. While they will work with low powered tube equipment, they need to be broken in with power. I am using 50 watt canary 339s on mine. They are not broken in as yet. But they are sounding better every day.