Amp for some new Gallos

I am looking for an amp to go with my new Gallo Refs (3.1). I have the Gallo amp and a C-J CT6 preamp. Leaning towards tubes. Thoughts?
I agree with Jjmali. Break them in for a few weeks/months before spending much on an amp. They will "soften" up over time and will have less of a need for the tube sound.
agree with Elevick...the overall mellow character of the gallo doesn't need tubes...that said, a cj amp is pretty good with jusy about any pair of speakers.
Jjmali, excellent point, which I forgot. The more power you can throw at them during break-in, the better. My understanding is that they're close to a true 8 ohm load as the factory specs indicate; my amps would be hard pressed to drive 5 ohms.
I'm running my Gallo 3.1s (thanks Dave Pogue!) with a Harman/Kardon SS amp, approx. 150w per channel. The speakers (hell, the whole system) sound great!

According to Gallo, these speakers LOVE to see a high-current amp. Guess what the H/K is? However, I can tell you, for sure, that Dave P's system sounds terrific. Not as good as mine, but good nonetheless [very big smile]...

I am aware of the break-in period. For more than two weeks I have left them cranked when I left for work...the neighbors love me. I have been using a Rotel amp (200 wpc), for the break-in but I want to experiment with something different and a little further up the quality chain. I am getting conflicting info with respect to the power requirements. Some say they can be driven with SETs, others say they like power. I would like to know what amp could remove the grainy quality that I get with the Rotel playing the Kronos Quartet. The C-J MV60 looks appealing.