Anybody Felt Lower-End ARC preamps Bass-Shy?

Any folks here who upgraded their lower-range Audio Research preamps to better ones and noticed a considerable improvement in the bass department? I own the LS-16 and thought the bass doesn't go to deep. Will the LS25 or LS26 have much better bass compared to the LS-16?

Thanks in advance.
My father owns the LS16 and he has incredible bass with Vandersteen Wood Quatro speakers, maybe your speakers or room or even placement could be an issue. I am not saying for sure the LS16 is not the problem or that any other equipment and so forth are your issue, simply the LS16 performs great in my experience.
Thanks for the reply Chadnliz. I am quite sure it's not the speakers since I am running them in high-pass configuration and the bass is entirely handled by the subwoofer. The reason I was suspecting the LS-16 was when I stumbled upon another user here who also felt that the LS-16's bass does not go too deep. Maybe I'm over-reacting although I might be getting a more-than-enough bass response.
I've had the LS-15 and LS-16mkII and currently have
LS-25mkII. There was a considerable difference in bass response from LS-16mkII and the 25mkII however the LS-16 had very good bass response.
There are other things that affect bass response such as room size,type of cables used, speaker brand and type etc..
System senergy is also important.
Ryder, define enough bass please. Without hearing your system how can anyone know how well bass is reproduced by it?

I had an LS-15, the older version with the REL capacitors and it did lack bass impact and drive. I upgraded the caps to TRT Dynamicaps and the bass performance was improved big time. I can't call the LS-15 with Dynamicaps bass shy at all. Your LS-16 has Infinicaps, same is in my LS-25.
My point is that the bass on the LS-15 with TRT Dynamicaps was not any better or worst than I now have with LS-25. It's the same as far as I can tell. The added advantage of LS-25 is its adjustable gain and this means you can up the gain to drive your amp harder to give more bass, but it may be at the expense of top end smoothness and midrange may become a bit forward sounding.

My suggestions to you to improve on the bass in your system:
Get the single-ended interconnects out of there.
ARC performs better when run balanced. So is your Krell cdp and Plinius amp. You have to run balanced from player all the way into the amp balanced. This will get you 6db more out of the preamp into the amp and will drive the amp better and I am pretty sure bass will get tighter, plus you will lower the overall noise floor and resolution will be better.

Also, try some NOS tubes in the LS-16. I don't know what you're using there right now, but I am using Mullard made by Amperex in Holland NOS 6922 tubes from Brent Jessee and these tubes do bass on completely different level than the stock Sovtek or Eh tubes do.

Bottom line is, you have to experiment.

Good luck.
I had an LS15 and bass was not one of its strengths. It was replaced by a VAC Renaissance which does do bass with impact but of course there is a substantail price difference too. I would guess the more expensive ARC preamps would offer more bass.